HOT TOPIC: Business Process Management and Case Management Frameworks: Built to Change
Thursday, September 24, 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Location: 101 D/E
Presenters: James E. McMillan, John Matthias
Track: The Judiciary in a Virtual, Mobile, Social World
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Join this session to explore the growing world of Business Process Management (BPM) software solutions, how they are changing into case-management-oriented frameworks, and the differences between these systems and commercial, off-the-shelf court case management systems. The presenters will also discuss how these systems work and their benefits and shortfalls. The “high configurability” characteristics of these products are impacting requirements, design, project management, technical resourcing, and implementation in organizations, including use of waterfall and agile methods. What are the foreseeable impacts of these ideas and systems on the court technology market?
Session Materials
About the Presenters
James E. McMillan joined the National Center for State Courts in October 1990 and currently serves as a principal court management consultant. He is senior faculty for the Institute for Court Management and has provided technical assistance for courts and administrative offices in all 50 states. Internationally, Mr. McMillan has provided direct consulting expertise to courts in 20 countries. As director of the Court Technology Laboratory project, he was the co-recipient of the Howell Heflin Outstanding Project Award from the State Justice Institute. He was the founder of the E-Courts Conference and co-founder of Courtroom 21 with the College of William and Mary School of Law.
John T. Matthias, principal court management consultant, is an expert on the application of technology to court operations. By leading and participating in dozens of projects over 25 years, he has a deep understanding of how processes can be improved through caseflow management and can be automated through case management systems. His court-management-consulting projects have included automation strategy and case management system acquisition — using emerging techniques to identify and validate system requirements — as well as caseflow management and performance measurement. His work also includes prosecutor, public defender, and probation offices. Mr. Matthias holds a law degree from New York Law School and practiced law for ten years in Texas and Iowa. He is a Fellow of the Court Executive Development Program (CEDP) and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).